Insight Lime Company Culture: How We Do Vacation, Family Leave & More


Insight Lime was founded by MaryBeth Maskovas in 2020, during the peak of the pandemic. A very interesting time for a company to be born, that's for sure! Originally from Durango, Colorado, MaryBeth had just repatriated from Denmark, where she had spent ~6 years working for Danish companies and she knew one thing - she wanted to emulate some of the excellent Danish working culture into the company she was building. 

What Does That Mean?

Danes value work life balance. People rarely work over 40 hours a week and your personal life is celebrated just as much as your professional one. As one of the happiest countries, Denmark has instituted a wide variety of policies that support people having a good balance. The minimum vacation that a company can offer is 5 weeks. Everyone has sick leave and it does not eat into your vacation time. And family leave is 24 weeks minimum for a new child.

A lot of this can be mind boggling for the American workplace, where we pride ourselves on working incredibly long hours and in many states, paid vacation isn’t even an obligation. But MaryBeth loved the Danish working culture, and saw that they were still able to accomplish incredible things and run successful businesses without people working themselves to the bone.

As a result, Insight Lime started with the following policies, even as a tiny startup:

  • 4 weeks of paid vacation, not including public holidays (with two weeks required vacation!)

  • Sick days do not count toward your vacation time, most types of sick days are unlimited 

  • Paid family leave and working with the individual employees to make a plan that works for them and their families 

  • The official full-time employee weekly working hours are set at 37 hours - and even the founder rarely works over that

  • 401k employer matching offered immediately upon hiring

  • Health insurance reimbursement

  • No Meeting Fridays, allowing for uninterrupted work time

Since employee input is an important part of the culture at Insight Lime, a review of the benefits available at Insight Lime Analytics regularly takes place as well. This means, the leadership team checks in with employees to see if they would be interested in discussing new potential benefits or  making changes to existing ones.  Along the same lines of being open to employee input, every employee within the organization, including interns, joins the leadership team for the monthly Profit & Loss meeting.


"It [including all members of the team in P & L meetings] fosters transparency, providing a complete picture of our spending and overall performance. This approach instills a sense of ownership among team members of the company’s data and financials.”



It Works!

Insight Lime is now in its third year as a company with six full-time employees. Even for a small business, it’s been feasible to offer these vacation policies and other benefits and to continue to focus on creating a work life balance that benefits the employees and its customers.

The philosophy is that consulting work can be incredibly demanding - even if you work 37 hours a week, those 37 hours are intense! And the data also supports a shorter work week/people working less, not more, increases productivity. We want to make sure that our consultants can give 100% to our clients during the day, and that they are able to recharge to do it again by spending time with their families and doing what they love.

Beyond the Time Off

At Insight Lime, the vacation policy and manageable workload and expectations are valued, but the agency also tries to go beyond these and keep employees engaged and excited about their day to day work, and what’s next for both them and the business.

Every full-time employee is given the opportunity to participate in a leadership development training course that spans over five months. This is offered with the hope that every level of employee from entry level analyst to senior level managers can benefit from this type of professional development and we want them to feel empowered to lead. A book and learning stipend per quarter is also offered to employees to utilize toward business-related books and training.

If there was one thing the pandemic taught America, it’s that we CAN work from home. There are a lot of reasons many companies chose for their workforce to head back into the office full time, but Insight Lime didn’t want to box the team in by requiring them to work from an office. The agency rents a great space in Southwest Colorado with, of course, the obligatory state of the art coffee machine and snacks, but employees are not required to be there five days a week and the office is optional.


“As a newly minted parent, the weight of anxiety can be overwhelming. The constant concern for your newborn's well-being and the readiness to address any potential emergencies can be quite nerve-racking. That's why the Insight Lime team stands out in their exceptional approach. They offered a level of flexibility, accommodation, and, most importantly, empathy that surpasses any workplace I've encountered.”



How Does Your Company Culture Stack Up?

Insight Lime Analytics will continue to evaluate the policies and practices in place, and we’d love to hear from you and learn about your company culture, policies, and employee benefits that set you apart. Let us know on Linkedin!



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[Insight Lime] are great at identifying the issues and providing a solution.
— Global Data

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