Which QSR Has The Best Sentiment On Twitter?

View our “battle of the brands” dashboard to find out. 

QSRs are a regular installment on Twitter - from Wendy’s famous smack downs to a great place for product announcements from all of your favorite fast-casual restaurants.

Insight Lime created a text-based sentiment analysis to understand how different QSRs are performing on Twitter over time. Twitter sentiment is a peek inside of both their overall Twitter strategy success, brand perception, and also the success of new launches.


How We Created the Dashboard

The Insight Lime team used the Twitter open API to extract tweet data from the core QSRs on the list. Then, we used sentiment analysis algorithms in R to evaluate the overall sentiment scores of tweets over time. We have continued to tweak our sentiment analysis to focus on topics that matter and refine the model to fit QSRs best. 

Our dashboard is created in Tableau, a tool that our team is very familiar with. Tableau is a great option for both company wide and public facing dashboards, and provides flexibility in branding and links well with R. 

Data Storytelling

The “secret sauce” that layers on top of a well-done analysis is data storytelling. Our team is trained to identify insights and highlight them in their visualizations and dashboards. There are a lot of dashboards out there that have a lot of information on them - and tell you very little.

When creating dashboards, we spend more time cutting than we do adding new elements. The process comes with the idea that the business decision or conversation you want to have with your audience should be immediately apparent when you first look at the dashboard. An executive should see the heartbeat of their company and be able to ask questions and make decisions without further analysis - or a marketer should be able to see quickly where they are going right and where they need to dive deeper into the performance of their campaigns.

This study was conducted in 2022. Today’s version of Twitter, rebranded as X in July of 2023, no longer offers free open APIs so a study like this one in particular is no longer available. Insight Lime is still able to run sentiment analysis on data like:

  • Your on-site reviews

  • Google Reviews

  • Survey Data

  • Any other data we can get our grubby analyst hands on legally and ethically


Do you like our approach? Curious to learn more about sentiment analysis and our dashboarding capabilities?


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