Our Approach

We’re all about impact.

On businesses, and the world.

Our mission is to provide the next level of data and digital services that transform how companies work with data (and analysts).


Analytical methods may be getting more advanced - with machine learning and AI. But, most businesses are still missing out on the basics. Major gains in revenue and efficiency can come from simplified decision-making in data.

So we focus on the basics first; understanding your customers, fixing your user experience, and using your data to create better products.


What does impact look like when you work with us?

We approach your business without an ego. We aren’t here to push a certain tool or expensive project on you- we are here to guide you. On top of that, we’re fun, honest, and obsessed with an excellent client-consultant relationship.

What else do we do to express our mission?

  • We’re a member of the Green Business Bureau.

    While our fully remote business doesn’t produce much waste, to begin with, we minimize even that.

  • We ask for feedback often.

    Expect a survey from us after a project. We take your feedback seriously.

  • We give back.

    We donate and support local businesses where our consultants are based.

  • We use the best tools.

    We only recommend and work with tools that follow good data-privacy and ethics practices.